Investment Philosophy
The investment philosophy of Focus Asset Partners focuses on long-term fundamental value investing, using multiple diversified strategies. This investment philosophy has not changed since Focus Asset Partners' founding, and is consistently implemented across all of the Firm's investment strategies. Focus Asset Partners' investment decision-making process and organization are specifically designed to align with and to support this philosophy.
Our primary responsibility to clients is to provide our unsurpassed investment expertise in identifying investment strategies based on their specific needs. To complement that effort, we provide an exemplary level of client service and assign each client their own client service executive and supporting team. Our client service executives review client objectives and risk tolerances, communicate investment strategies, monitor portfolio changes, support reporting requirements and respond to requests for information and research. They are organized into teams by client type and region, and work closely with portfolio managers to meet individual client needs.
To further enhance Focus Asset Partners' client service, our executives work alongside a dedicated team of product specialists. These highly experienced professionals work collaboratively with our investment team to seamlessly provide investment information to clients. We believe that positioning our client service executives to take the lead role in the relationship delivers a greater level of hands-on service and allows Focus Asset Partners' portfolio managers to devote their attention to their top priority—actively managing your money.
Risk Management.
Portfolio construction is a balancing of risk and reward, so risk management is an integral part of portfolio management. Risk management here at Focus Asset Partners is a team effort involving client service executives, risk managers, and portfolio managers. These groups work together to obtain information about client risk tolerances and to construct portfolios that seek to achieve the client's objectives while remaining within these tolerances.
At Focus Asset Partners, investment risks are monitored by the risk management team, which is independent of the portfolio management team. While the risk management team works closely with the portfolio management team to provide risk information for use in superior risk/reward portfolio construction, there is also an escalation procedure when it appears to the risk managers that portfolios might be departing from client risk tolerances.